What's Next for Riverbend - New Landfill Berm
DEQ announces intention to approve berm and invites public comment
Your input is needed now to ensure Riverbend's continued operation
Read the DEQ notice and WM's application for the berm
Riverbend is proposing to build up the west edge of the landfill to better utilize space for waste storage. The project involves re-contouring and re-grading to build a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) berm around some of the landfill. Construction of the berm will allow better use of the existing landfill footprint and will not increase the height of the landfill.
The Oregon DEQ has approved a draft application for the construction of the berm and is facilitating a public comment period on the application.
Read the latest media coverage about the Riverbend berm.
Below are examples of MSE berms located at other Waste Management facilities.